
Showing posts from November, 2017

Blog 2

Macbeth Act 1 Scene 3 - Three witches appear and announce Macbeth is coming. Macbeth and Banquo can not believe how unattractive the witches are. The sight of them is frightening. They are not sure these witches are the real deal. The witches begin to say things like Macbeth will be king one day which is Macbeth thinks is crazy. They also tell Banquo that his sons will one day sit upon the throne but Banquo never will. Macbeth has a 1,000 more questions to ask but the crazy witches disappear. Macbeth and his friend discuss what was said but Macbeth begins to wonder how he will be King. He also gets some crazy thoughts going on like if he will have to do something devious to make it come true. 

Blog 1

Macbeth - Act 1 Scene 2  -  The story begins at a military camp King Duncan asks whats happening with the battle between the Scots' and the Irish. Come to find out his son Malcolm escaped the Irish. Banquo and Macbeth put up a good fight. Macbeth did away with Macdonald. Impressed by this King Duncan upon hearing this decides that because the thane of Cawdor was defeated that Macbeth should take his place.  He sends the thane of Ross to deliver the glorious news to Macbeth.